How To Design Your Perfect Home Theater

How To Design Your Perfect Home Theater

How To Design Your Perfect Home Theater

Three-quarters of all adults would prefer to watch a movie at home than in a theater, according to a latest study by the Pew Research Group. Today’s home theaters range from a simple flat-screen and some loungers to elaborate, custom-designed theaters l While you may not have a budget quite that large, the basic principle is the same – create a movie-watching environment that is specific to your style, taste and available space.

Designing Your Home Theater

One thing to keep in mind before you get began is that while you’re designing your fantasy theater, you’re living in the real life. Before you attach a complete replica of the queen’s nest in “Aliens”, conceive what you’re doing to the resale value of your home, or to your landlord’s blood pressure.

Once you have got all of those technical details worked out, the 1st and most significant step in designing your perfect themed home theater is to select a theme.

How To Design Your Perfect Home TheaterEarly Days

Gathering for family entertainment dates back to caveman days when we grunted stories around the campfire, and as technology has advanced, so have our entertainment requires. The earliest home theatre were simply a radio with chairs for mom and dad and plenty of floor place in front for the kids. You

r home theatre can be as simple and goofily retro as a recreated, classic 1950’s living room.

How To Design Your Perfect Home TheaterTheaters

Dressing your home theater up to look like, well, a theater may not feel too originative, but if you have ever been to a fabulous old-time movie palace or modern opera house, you know that they’re much more than a bunch of seats all facing the same way. Just because you can’t afford the opulence of La Fenice in Venice or even the down-home glory of the Grand Ole Opry doesn’t signify you have to settle for the sterility of the local multiplex. Plush seating, rich colours, velvet curtains and a touch of gold in the accessories can go a long way toward turning your themed home theater into a classic. Use photos of famous theaters to recreate one, or borrow from numerous to design one that reflects your idea of the perfect movie house.


Where better to watch a movie than from the middle of one? Whether your favorite flick is “Aliens” or “Zoolander”, you can produce a themed home theater that takes you right into the movie. If you have a small fortune and prefer watching movies from the deck of a pirate ship, you can have a custom home theater built complete with riggings and a mast. For those on a cabin boy’s budget, putting together a schooner – or spaceship or submarine or medieval castle – is a matter of artful choices in décor and lots of imagination when it comes to deciding accessaries. They key for making the most of your money is to go with the heart of the theme rather than getting every detail exactly right.

How To Design Your Perfect Home TheaterPlaces

Movies take you to another world, and there’s perfectly no reason that your themed home theatre can’t do the same. Decide a real place like Paris, a classic imaginary one like Oz, or create your own. Recruit artistic friends to paint eye-deceiving murals, and use a mix of silk plants and real foliage to create an outdoor feel. Carefully decided accessories pull the entire theme together, and they don’t have to be absolutely true-to-life. The floor cushions in this drive-in movie themed home theatre are nothing you would find in a real drive-in theater, but they bring colour and softness without taking away from the retro, outdoor feel.

Once you have decided the theme for your home theatre, you do not have to arrange it all together over a long weekend. The best collections are accumulated over time, so take your measures, set your budget, draw up your plans and so put it all together a little at a time.

Theater Design

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